Sunflower Flower Essence

Sunflower Flower Essence

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R 248.00 ZAR
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R 248.00 ZAR
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 Sunflower works on father wounds and heals distortions in relationships to those in authority. When we grow up with a conflicted relationship, or lack of relationship, to our fathers, it plays into self-esteem issues. We also tend to project the natural relationship we had with our fathers onto how we see God. None of us had perfect fathers in the natural; our issues may cause a block in our ability to receive from the Father who is perfect. It also impacts where insecurity is an issue, where the person continually tries to convince others of their value. Sunflower is corrective of both insecurity and pride, bringing the person into balance in the grand scheme of things. 

1 fluid ounce stock strength bottle.

Other Products Containing Sunflower Essence:

Confidence flower essence blend helps with self assurance, self-respect, to help the individual recognize their own worth, and for those that are shy and having a hard time expressing themselves.

Peak Performance clears out the programming from close relationships where you may have felt love was contingent on you being a certain way. When you break free of these constructs, you are free to follow your original design and be the amazing person that you were created to be.

Open Ears deals with common blocks to spiritual hearing and amplifies your ability to tune into divine guidance and make decisions.All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative.


You can read more on why we use brandy here

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Amrish S.
Sunflower Goodness

Earlier this year I was introduced to the sunflower essence. It was an immediate blessing, and I suggest just keeping it on hand. Sunflower power for the win!