St. John’s Wort has to do with light in every sense. We use this on people who are sensitive to light, who are afraid of the dark, and who are deprived of light such as in S.A.D or graveyard workers. Saint John's not only deals with external physical light, but brings light inward illuminating your soul.
The Greek name for this plant is Hypericum (also its Latin botanical name), which means "over a spirit." It has a very long history of offering spiritual protection, protection against nightmares and helping people face darkness. I believe this to be more of a solidifying of courage and authority rather than a mere superstition.
The common name came about because its peak harvest time happens on St. John's Day which is also summer solstice. Whether you're harvesting for a flower essence, or as an herb, the flowering tops are used. When the flower heads are picked, the plant oozes a bright red sap, depicting the beheading of John the Baptist. This signature refers to helping one keep their head, or spiritual authority at times, when there are negative spiritual influences seeking to cut us off.
1 fluid ounce stock strength bottle
All of our essences use brandy as a preservative. For more information regarding the brandy as well as alternatives, click here.