Recovery Flower Essence

Recovery Flower Essence

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R 395.00 ZAR
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R 395.00 ZAR
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Support and strengthening during illness. Encourages a positive "overcomer" attitude, alleviates health related fears and helps you get in touch with what your body mind and spirit need for total healing. This is a 1 oz bottle that should last you at least a month. 
Recovery Flower Essence may help with:
  • Strengthening resolve of own recovery process during any illness (physical, spiritual, or mental)
  • Making healthy choices
  • Counteracting health related fears
  • Keeping a positive attitude during recovery process
  • Assisting you during emotional exhaustion
  • Knowing how to change situations, relationships or behavior for a more sustainable lifestyle
  • Grounding during recovery process
  • Building joy, energy and resilience
  • Instilling a sense of beauty and youthfulness
  • Allowing your spirit to guide the healing process


Self-Heal flower essence is helpful for those who have lost belief in their capacity to be well, or who have turned this responsibility over to doctors or others. For those who have received a grim diagnosis and are resigned to it, Self-Heal strengthens your resolve and puts you in charge of your recovery process with a new found faith for healing. No more victim mentality. In addition to intuitively tuning you in to what you personally need for healing (never mind the gurus) it helps you take charge and do the things that you know you need to do to be well, and do them consistently. It is a very beneficial remedy for those who face healing challenges, whether physical, mental, or spiritual.

Apple flower essence, like Self-Heal is an encourager that helps you make healthy choices.  Apple counteracts health related fears such as fear of cancer returning or hypochondria (however mild it may be), but does it in such a way that is empowering, rather than being in denial of prudent actions you need to take to ensure health.  Apple inspires a positive attitude throughout the recovery process, which is healing in and of itself.  Apple is helpful anytime we need to regain that balance between body mind and spirit. 

Teasel is for depleted, emotionally exhausted people. The key thing with this remedy is loss of energy, through any emotional condition, strained relationship, or long term illness. Another impact that Teasel makes is the sense to be living and working in ones right livelihood. When you are in the wrong field, your energy is not being restored, and Teasel helps you to find the place that resonates with your spirit. Sometimes when taking Teasel, a person may become solitary or withdrawn. This is all part of the process. It's a place of restoration and reflection of how to change situations, relationships and your behavior for a more sustainable lifestyle. The key indicator for Teasel is loss of energy, aches and pains. There is also a lot of documented use of Teasel flower essence as a complementary therapy for Lyme disease.

Moonbeam Coreopsis is an excellent essence to be used in any kind of recuperation, whether it's post operative, emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual. It facilitates heart rebuilding and depth of a healing process that goes beyond the obvious.  Many times we have a physical symptom that is related to a much deeper heart issue.  This is an essence that energetically hugs or holds you, grounds you, and gives you a reassuring touch. It's a little bit like a "chicken soup" type of comfort that helps you to receive healing on deeper level.

Elder flower essence stimulates our recovery process by building joy, energy, resilience and is sort of an emotional decongestant.  Those stagnant heavy emotional states are relieved and replaced with peace and a strong sense of optimism.  Elder also instills a sense of beauty and youthfulness.  It's a rejuvenator and strengthener for those who are "feeling their age". It also calms fears and helps a person realize their inner strength.


Chrysanthemum fosters a sense of positive enduring energy throughout the day and helps to bring a better alignment of the spirit in relationship to body and soul. Your spirit has the ability to coach your body into what it needs to do to heal. As you take this essence, start speaking to your body either silently or out loud. If you have been taught to command your body, the soul version of that is quite bossy and domineering, while the voice of your spirit will typically be very compassionate, kind and affirming while instructive.



All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
P Hough
Recovery Worked Amazing where other blends caused stop and start for Disassociation

Recovery - wow! At Last!! After 7 months of using the healing kit with Heart healer, Frag finder and Aftershock, SLOWLY - Recovery bridged the gap beautifully, where there was stop start because of healing crisis and running to Crisis essence but only by dabbing it, and basically, every 3 days needed 3 days or longer to absorb the effect of 1 drop by mouth. in water the essences caused faster healing crisis.
Recovery was fine to increase drops to 4-6 by mouth and no issue throughout the whole bottle - 6 weeks or so. So grateful for this and the speeding up!! awesome! Now moving on to Fireweed and Fragment Finder and only 1 incidence of waking in the night occured after 2 weeks and after stopping for 1 nite, using Fireweed, back to F Finder and so far, no problem. F Finder is the last of the kit that is as yet un-finished. What a relief that we are making progress still !


My partner uses this + has said it really helps him with his sore muscles + back pain. I've used this on my senior dog + it seems to help him too. Very useful!

Mildred Barrera

I just received my Recovery Flower Essence- I had this essence recommended by a friend as I just got out of a health challenge. Since ordering I started a new slight pain in throat area- I dabbed a a couple drops and noticed immediate lifting of pain- Im very impressed!

Daniel B.
So far so good

Feeling better so far but I haven't been taking for too long. Well update review when I have taken it for a awhile.

Laurie H.
Recovery Flower Essence

I'm in a literal recovery process from multiple things. As I've been taking Recovery Flower Essence, I've sensed a deep peace and resolve to not be moved by symptoms or appearances. My faith for healing is steady and strong.

I'm allowing others the fruit of their choices without getting tangled up in issues.

I agree that it's building joy, energy and resilience in me, and for that, I'm grateful.