Pussy Willow helps regain balance and flexibility when there has been too much doing and not enough being. In today's society, we tend to create high-pressure situations, trying to cram it all in at the expense of relaxation. Too much pressure causes us to become rigid and resentful and eventually crack, much like a willow that is no longer tapped into a water source. The positive side of willow is creativity, flexibility, increase in intuition, patience, kindness, grace and a proper balance of right brain/left brain functioning. Pussy Willow helps find new ways of operating, new ways to organize our days so we can enjoy a balanced lifestyle that is conducive to love and comfort, flowing in proper timing and rest. Pussy Willow also helps us engage our 5 senses, helping take in life and all its sensual pleasures more fully.
1 fluid ounce stock strength bottle
Other Products Containing Pussy Willow Flower Essence
Stress Less is our general stress blend with a good range of peace promoting essences.
Peace is a blend for stress as well, but it's tailored a bit more toward getting along with difficult people as well as general stress.
All of our essences use brandy as a preservative. For more information regarding the brandy as well as alternatives, click here.