Horseradish Flower Essence

Horseradish Flower Essence

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R 248.00 ZAR
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R 248.00 ZAR
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Horseradish puts you back in the driver’s seat. You can move forward and change direction. Feeling stuck, feeling like a victim of circumstance, feeling frustrated or fearful? Horseradish powers through all that. You'll have to take responsibility for your situation, but Horseradish will build you up, fire you up, and move you out of your current rut by dislodging fear, low self-esteem and blame-shifting. 

1 fluid ounce stock strength bottle


Other Products Containing Horseradish Flower Essence:

M&M flower essence blend helps combat procrastination and avoidance to help you reach your goals.

Powerhouse blend helps you take charge of your life and your decision making while feeling more empowered.

Ignite blend dislodges negative stagnant ruts we sometimes fall into and sparks your passion, your creativity, your vision, and your zest for life.