Everybody dreams. Psychologists say that if you don't dream you'll exhibit signs of a mental breakdown in no time. If you're functioning outside of a mental institution, you're a dreamer. The trick is remembering.
Studies have shown that those who remember dreams need less therapy and bounce back from disruptive life events significantly faster than those who don't. Dreams are messages custom tailored for you to take advantage of.
Dream Drops Flower Essence will:
- Help with dream recall and bridging the transition from night to day without losing as much revelation.
- Help you to slip into an Alpha state where you can be receptive to dreaming, visions and other spiritual experiences.
- Increase vividness of dreams, making them easier to remember
- Help you to better understand information from the dream world
- Help you move from structured religion to authentic spirituality
- Help you overcome fears concerning your relationship to Creator, if you're subconsciously afraid of what you'll hear, you'll tune it all out.
- Help you to not repress spiritual giftings that you've been criticized for.
- Reconciles fears relating to nightmares that you've not understood.
- Help you move bravely into the unknown of deep spiritual realms
- Help you to integrate information received through dreams, visions and other experiences into your daily life.
- Keep your spiritual development happening at a steady rate
"I first heard of Freedom Flower drops at a Dream Workshop in Tacoma, Washington from Melody Paasch. It very much intrigued me and I was very interested.
I attended this workshop with much interest because as a girl I would dream, and as life went on I stopped dreaming. I had Creator break in the night before attending the dream workshop and give me my first dream that I could remember in years. I quickly signed up to take more classes.
In attending dream classes I received a bottle of Dream Drops. I have been taking them regularly. I have noticed a sense of well being that I really enjoy. I feel at certain times of the day my spirit resonating with Creator. It feels like waves that wash over me.This is a first for me.
I now get waking images and messages from Creator to my spirit. This has been very powerful and has lead me to giving a prophetic message to a stranger on a train.
I am still believing that the gift of dreams will be awaken and come alive in me again. I have noticed a change in my body, soul, and spirit. I can't wait to try some other Freedom Flower drops. Thank you Seneca for the wonderful work that you do. It has been life changing for me." ~ Kellie Gordley