Double Delight Rose Flower Essence

Double Delight Rose Flower Essence

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R 248.00 ZAR
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R 248.00 ZAR
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Double Delight Rose helps us let go of the struggle of our logic mind being able to accept a paradox and grab onto a counter-intuitive path or way of being.

Paradox: A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which, when investigated, may prove to be well founded or true. –The Oxford Dictionary

As Christian examples, you have to lose your life to find it, you see the unseen, we are strong when weak, we come out of slavery by submission, and we labor to enter into rest — just to name a few. Christianity probably does not have a monopoly on these, but they seem to be all the examples I can think of.

The process of getting out of your own way isn't as simple as these statements however. If you have been in a long-term struggle to apprehend and work out a paradox in your life, Double Delight can help. With Double Delight, you may find yourself transitioning to a place of happiness that you've thus far been unable to accept.

Double Delight can also resolve generational trauma. (Trauma that you feel, but never happened to you.) When you resolve an issue in place of your ancestor, you free yourself and also your descendants from wounds and hardships that never should have been theirs to deal with. Use Double Delight for closure and release of family, racial or cultural trauma.


1 oz stock strength bottle - this is a flower essence, please shop elsewhere for live plants.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Elizabeth K.
first essence my husband is taking

it is subtle.. he is having dreams and seems to be dealing with things at another level than usual. He was willing to try an essence. He is partially disabled and getting around is hard for mhim. so his state of mind and emotions is something he works at maintaining under adverse circumstances. Thank you Freedom Flowers!

Maggie G.
Good stuff!

This essence helps me in that I’m able to make healthier choices as far as what my mindset will be for the day. And I choose happiness, joy, and peace.

Misty M.
Rest Coma

I had succumbed to a place of actually being stuck in ‘rest’. With very little demand from the outside world to keep a tight schedule I went into a rest coma. I couldn’t pull myself out of it. It’s not like I didn’t have things that were required of me, I just wasn’t giving them attention and my energy dropped. Here I am with all this extra time and I couldn’t get myself to do anything. After a few weeks of double delight rose I started using my time effectively. Instead of a sloth I became a creative. Using the extra time shared during this shut down to write and paint and enjoy the time given back to me. It brought balance for me. With a demanding schedule I value the precious time I have. With a loose and flexible schedule I got stuck in sloth. This formula helped draw out the desires that were stuck under this lazy eyed glaze that had formed over me and take action.


This essence helped me to reconcile several things.

The one thing I was able to do is accept my body makeup and begin loving who I am, all of me.

The other was some reconciliation in my DNA. I have African, Native American and white blood. This helped me to embrace all of my DNA. I was able to do some bloodline forgiveness due to an inner vow that my grandmother made, who was Choctaw and endured the Trail of Tears.

I've found I'm walking in another dimension of Shalom regarding my appearance and DNA.

Stacia M.

For me it dislodged many fragments. I tried taking it every day. It did show me what was blocking some of my progress. I have been working on those wounded parts of me.