Borage flower essence is excellent to lift heavy hearts and encourage the user. Its action is strengthening and supportive of change, allowing one to trust in higher guidance. It imbues optimism, gladness, courage and enthusiasm. Borage should be used for any situation that is difficult to face, or when you’re feeling disheartened or discouraged. Borage is a great heart remedy, opening you to feel greater levels of love and compassion.
1 fluid ounce stock strength bottle
Other Products Containing Borage Flower Essence:
Joy flower essence blend is for bubbling up joy and laughter despite circumstances. This flower remedy helps you pull out of situational depression and gloomy moods.
Good Grief helps faciliate a healthy grieving process.
Tomorrow flower essence rebuilds lost hope and eases anxiety about the future and that feeling of impending doom. Helps you to receive insight about the path you are on and helps you to grab hold of opportunities by shutting down cynicism and apathy.
Menoblend helps ease symptoms of menopause and faciliate an easier transition.
Stay Calm flower essence blend calms nerves, stops obsessive thinking patterns, instills courage and relaxes the overactive mind.
Peace for Pets helps pets that have anxiety or phobias. Especially intended for fireworks and thunderstorm season.
Indoor Pet helps pets that don't get enough time in nature to stay happy and healthy. Not a substitute for outside time, but will help.
Photos used under Creative Commons from wolfpix