Body Coaching Weight Loss Program

Body Coaching Weight Loss Program

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What if you didn't have to diet to lose weight? What if you did away with low-carb, low fat, low "everything" and actually ate like a normal person? What if in the process, you made peace with your body, with food, and did some deep healing in addition to weight loss? 
Following our book Body Coaching: 30 Days of Spirit Led Weight Loss
  • 1 bottle of Craving Control flower essence blend
  • 1 bottle of Yellow Chrysanthemum flower essence
  • Paperback copy of Body Coaching book 
  • 30 days of emails to help you stay on track
  • Video guiding you through the emotional tapping exercises mentioned in the book
It's not about will powering your way through another diet or exercise program, it’s about partnering your body, mind, and spirit together so that you can experience the breakthroughs you’ve been longing for.

If you need to drop ten pounds by Saturday to fit into a dress, this is not the book for you. But you’ll want to keep reading if any of the following apply:

  • You are done with insanity workouts (yes, they are actually named that)
  • You are done excluding food groups
  • You are done not being able to have a normal meal with people
  • You have a bit of patience for healing

The premise of our program is that, each day, you'll spend a few minutes speaking from your spirit to your body. Each day has a different topic with a short explanation of how and why it contributes to your weight, followed by an example of what you can say to your body to initiate healing. 

We don't give you any rules about food although as a result of speaking to your body, your eating will probably shift a bit. The people who have already used our program have reported fewer cravings, less hunger, and eating better quality food. However, the main thing people report is a healthier view toward their bodies and current weight.

You may have suspected some hidden reasons why you have such a hard time with weight loss. Maybe you blame your metabolism, your thyroid, hormones, or other mysterious factors. The truth is, so much more is going on than calories in, calories out. Many factors within the body and mind influence your weight. This thirty-day plan addresses them one by one. 

Each day focuses on a different physical or emotional health component for you to talk to your body about. Tapping exercises similar to EFT and TFT are also included in the book to add another layer of body-mind-spirit connection when talk to yourself.


You will need the information in the Body Coaching book. You can get the book in the full program kit or you can pick that up on Amazon separately, either Kindle or print. The print version has room for you to journal with each day. Buying just the program alone will do you no good. That option is available for those that have already purchased the book separately. The book is not able to be shipped in South Africa, Australia or the UK, we suggest you order from your favorite book retailer locally or online. 
This program will help you get in the habit of Body Coaching by sending you an email a day for 30 days, with a few extra resources scattered throughout. The full program kit also includes Chrysanthemum and Craving Control essences as talked about in the book. 
We know that talking to yourself has a stigma of craziness. But be honest, you've done crazier things to lose weight right? 
"I'm down 2lbs in 30 days and I have a better attitude toward my body. I've begun a process of making peace with and partnering with my body that has been very needful." Jane I
"I lost 5lbs in 30 days. Looking at food differently has been the biggest difference. My body isn't craving junk food, and because I'm feeling better, I'm walking more, which I love to do." Sue B
"I lost 7 lbs and I purposely was not dieting! I've noticed a significant difference in the past couple weeks in the ability for my spirit to rise above my emotions/soul and implement positive mindsets. This is HUGE for me!" Veronica M
"This is the first time the scales have gone in a negative direction in years. I had tried a few diets but the scales never budged. 6.4 pounds in a little over three weeks!" Rachel S
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here


Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Robert C.
On day 27 I'm writing

On day 27 I'm writing this. I have been taking the flower essences daily as suggested. Skipped a couple days because I was experiencing destressing anxiety. I haven't got regular with daily lessons. Done no journaling. One month seems a bit brief to actually access progress and to get on board the program.

Jennifer K.
An Immediate Difference!

As a newbie to the world of flower essences, I was a little hesitant to try them, but I have seen direct correlations to having tried the Peace, Adapt, and the weight loss program so far. Hard to explain, but I feel that God has written a lot more for us in the plant world for healing that's available to us for our good, and I am so grateful to Seneca and team for being willing to stop and listen to what they have to say.

Jennifer K.
An Immediate Difference!

As a newbie to the world of flower essences, I was a little hesitant to try them, but I have seen direct correlations to having tried the Peace, Adapt, and the weight loss program so far. Hard to explain, but I feel that God has written a lot more for us in the plant world for healing that's available to us for our good, and I am so grateful to Seneca and team for being willing to stop and listen to what they have to say.

Candace P.
Body Coaching Weight Loss Program

I love the gentleness of the body coaching into love and acceptance , day by day. ( I did about 12 days). And, i appreciate the email reminders , and the tapping exercises that are included in the book. The 4 drops of Craving Control was fine for me, but 4 drops of Chrysanthemum was too strong (felt jittery and upset in my stomach), so I watered that drink down, and went with 2 drops thereafter, which seemed fine. ..... I will need to come back to finish the program, or start anew, and finish.

There’s Nothing wrong with the program, but, I feel that instead of continuing with weight loss right now, this time I have off work is for going deeper, and will look into fragment finder to address some unfinished business in that area for now. I will come back and review and finish this program !

Mary M.
Brilliant Weight Loss Plan

The Body Coaching Weight Loss Program made perfect sense to me. To me, it makes sense that sporadicly depriving your body of food will eventually backfire.

I like the idea of going back to the beginning, when I thought I needed to lose weight, and starting over by eating three meals daily and when I'm hungry.

I like the idea of incorporating the tapping technique, because I once used that technique during a traumatic season of my life, and YES!! it was very helpful.

The scales are daily reading a loss of 5 to 7 pounds. Which is really fun.

But most importantly, I am feeling a sense of peace on this journey as I attempt to integrate my body with the healthy desires of my soul and spirit. I am more relaxed with the Body Coaching Plan.