Align Flower Essence

Align Flower Essence

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R 395.00 ZAR
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R 395.00 ZAR
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Do periods of stress really seem to pull you out of alignment?

Do you keep going to the chiropractor, get everything reset only to have it go right back out again? Got a lot of tension or sore muscles? You need Align!

Most of the time we associate back pain with structural issues. According to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as well as a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, you can have disc problems and be pain free, and most people with back pain have no spinal abnormalities whatsoever. What we've come to understand is that pain is not just physical.

Since many back issues are emotionally rooted, Align Flower Essence can help those who are dealing with back, shoulder and neck problems, headaches and tension from stress.  It helps to maximize the benefits from chiropractic, massage or other healing modalities.  

"I've been dealing with chronic back pain since losing over 100 lbs six years ago. My back was so used to carrying all that weight for so long, it was screaming. I tried chiropractor, cranial sacral, deep tissue massage, accupuncture. They all worked for a little while, the pain returned. Since taking Align, it's almost as if my back just knows how to stand erect. I immediately make the correction. I literally can't sit in an incorrect way anymore, my mind reminds me to stand up straight. A miracle! Back pain is almost completely gone!" - Karrie

Align Flower Essence may help you:

•Release trauma held in the body

•Release muscle tension and strain

•Release energetic blockages in the spine

•Release negative emotions like anger, frustration and fear

•Let go of stress and huge burdens

•Find a more beneficial way of operating

•Lighten up perfectionistic overly responsible, overly driven personalities

•Get the most out of chiropractic care


Lilac flower essence is frequently needed in those with back and shoulder problems.  It is used in conjunction with chiropractic care to help an adjustment hold.  Lilac helps those who bear too great a burden.  Sometimes this is because they grew up too fast and had too much responsibility as a child, sometimes it’s an inability to delegate or accept help.  “If you want it done right, do it yourself” might be their motto.  It’s an aid to loosening up perfectionists and those that are in a cycle of setting impossible standards for themselves and then suffering low self-esteem when they fail to live up.  On the other side of the coin, lilac helps those who lean too much on others and don’t trust themselves to hold their own burdens.  Lilac, like so many flowers corrects extremes in either direction. 

Blue Vervain is a must for those who deal with tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back.  Blue Vervain mitigates the effects of stress coming from mental exertion and focus.  Emergencies, deadlines, and intense focus on the task at hand for too long of period can set you up physically for a stress response.  Blue Vervain, in time, will help you develop a more balanced way to be successful.  Essential for the workaholic.  

Bear Grass clears energetic blockages in the spine.  One look at the plant and you can see the strong spinal column (stem) leading up to the puff of white light at the (flower) head. May be helpful for nerve related spinal injuries, back problems in general and headaches.  Bear grass can also be a bit of an awakener, bringing creative ideas and dormant talents to the forefront, as well as dealing with some of the attitudes that are not serving us well.  This is not always a comfortable situation in the short term, but the long term effects of changing your thinking and your way of operating that are in alignment with your particular gifts are so worth it!

Arnica flower essence helps deal with emotions that get locked in the body after accidents, or violent experiences. When we experience emotional shock, it gets deposited in the spine as well as other places. It may not affect you at the time, but cumulative experiences can eventually manifest in pain and spread outward to the surrounding muscles. Arnica is also helpful for use after accidents, to release the shock held in the body's musculature, or it can be used as a release of old "set in" trauma whether for emotional or physical.

Dandelion flower essence works out the knots and stress that are held in the musculature of the body.  For the overdriving enthusiastic personality that pushes beyond their physical capacity to carry out such intense activity.  Dandelion will tune you in to what your body needs as well as help you process through some much needed inner quiet time.  If you tend to throw yourself full-on into too many activities, over-plan, over-schedule, Dandelion is a great balancer for a more sustainable lifestyle.

Sweet Cherry flower essence is a broad spectrum negative emotions essence, dissolving fear, anger and frustration.  Many times, back issues stem from anger and relationship difficulties


This is a 1 oz blend that should last at least a month.

We recommend taking no more than one blend at a time. Here's why and some possible work arounds

All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. For more information and alternatives, click here. 




Customer Reviews

Based on 64 reviews

Wonderful essence that has helped support my life become further aligned

Darla McLaughlin
Seeing through old trappings

Maybe it's the beargrass in this blend that exposed how often I feel like I'm running into myself struggling to get closure on tasks. It seems like I start something and then have a bunch of inner arguments why I need to stop and figure out another way and end up leaving messes all over the place. Sometimes at the smallest resistance or complication, I turn into a spineless ninny and want to throw up my hands and run away. True to the description, it's a bit uncomfortable to be recognizing blockage, especially those connected to maligned attitudes lol. As I continue to take it, I'm seeing better ways to become more balanced emotionally, and am listening to that still small voice for guidance. Physically, I've become aware when I'm hunching my shoulders, and as I've begun relaxing them, they have become less tense.


These bouquet blends are amazing! Each one has given incredible results with each one kind of leading into the next. I took align for back pain and in the hopes to release old painful feelings and memories. Not only has that happened but my life itself has started to come into alignment with me even meeting what I believe to be my soulmate after a lifetime of dysfunctional relationships and marriage. I couldn’t be happier!

Jackie Tibbitts
Excited to try again

I had an empty Align bottle sitting for some time and recently re-purchased. I used to use it regularly for spine and neck relaxation and shoulder tightness. I'm excited to see what else I notice with Align!

Freedom Flowers Essence (ALign ) did help me ...

Want to share the fact that Freedom Flowers Essence (ALign ) did help me keep my Inflammation under control. I am having a diabetic condition, & so it's worthwhile to use this Product, to keep my health in order.

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